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The Next Level Difference:
A Modern Approach To BJJ Training

Want to know why students at Next Level Jiu Jitsu are making rapid progress? The secret lies in how we've completely reimagined BJJ training.

Learn Twice as Fast with Intelligent Training

Forget about wasting 30 minutes of your precious training time on irrelevant warm-ups. At Next Level, every single minute of your 75-minute session is designed to make you better at jiu-jitsu. Through our innovative micro-games and progressive drills, you're actually learning while warming up. This means you start developing your skills from the moment you step on the mat.

Master Techniques That Actually Work

Ever learned a move in class but couldn't make it work during sparring? That's because traditional drilling without resistance creates false confidence. At Next Level, you'll practice techniques against gradually increasing resistance from day one. This means when it's time to roll, you can actually use what you've learned.

Build Real Confidence Through Smart Progression

Our focused training periods mean you'll spend several weeks mastering key positions from both top and bottom. Instead of jumping from technique to technique each week, you'll develop deep understanding and genuine skill. This systematic approach means you'll build a rock-solid foundation of techniques that work for you in real rolling situations.

Get More Out of Every Session

With three strategically planned sessions per week, you'll experience:

  • More effective training in less time
  • Higher calorie burn than traditional classes
  • Faster skill development through intelligent resistance training
  • Deep understanding of fundamental positions
  • Immediate application of techniques you learn

Train Like You Fight, Fight Like You Train

Having spent over 6,000 hours on the mats, I've discovered what really works and what's just wasting your time. Our training methods are designed to eliminate the frustration of techniques that don't work in real rolling. Instead, you'll build a reliable game that works against fully resisting opponents.

No More Guesswork

Stop wondering if you're training the right way. At Next Level, every class builds purposefully on the last. You'll always know what you're working towards and why. This structured approach means faster progress and better retention of what you learn.

Whether you're just starting or looking to take your game to the next level, our proven approach will get you there faster. Come experience the difference that intelligent training makes.

Want to see how much faster you could progress with smart training? Join us for a class and feel the difference yourself